Adventure Grove Inclusive Playground Inc. is a nonprofit organization made up of local Pottsgrove community members. Along with volunteers from surrounding areas we plan to bring people of all ages and abilities together in play.

Vision Statement
To provide an inclusive play experience that enables all abilities to interact and understand each other in new ways.

The “Adventure Grove Playground” will intentionally bring people of all abilities and all ages together. This will allow them the freedom to explore, imagine, play, and create without limitations. This freedom will provide an understanding within the community and create the opportunity for children to look beyond the obvious abilities or disabilities, and to experience the world of play equally. The inclusive play experience will give children of all abilities the chance to interact and understand each other in a new way and their lives and our community will be changed because of it.

Meet Our Board of Directors

We are a group of like-minded individuals who have come together to donate our time to help bring Pottsgrove and the surrounding communities it’s VERY OWN inclusive playground. A place where the ADVENTURE makes it possible for EVERYONE to join in the fun!

Patti Grimm: President

Treasurer, Pottsgrove School Board; School Board Rep Pottsgrove Recreation; & Chairperson Joint Operating Committee of the Western Center and Technology Center; Liaison, Pennsylvania School Board Association.

Annique Ruiz-Brown: Vice-President

Elected Member, Pottsgrove School Board; a Member, Right to Education Local Task Force of Montgomery County (LTF23) and Parent Advisory Board, Pottsgrove Village

Charlie Valentine: Treasurer

Commissioner, West Pottsgrove Township; Treasurer, Pottstown/Stowe Lion’s Club; West Pottsgrove Township Commissioner Rep, Pottsgrove Recreation, Member, West Pottsgrove Town Watch; Member, PARRC

Pam Ball: Secretary

Executive Director, Pottsgrove Recreation; Spiritwear Chair & Web Designer, Pottsgrove Booster Club

Chuck Note: Director of Facilities Management

Vice Chairman, Open Space & Recreation Board for Upper Pottsgrove Township.